Access to plenary speakers
Access to breakout sessions
Access to workshops
Three catered lunches
Four catered refreshment breaks
One ticket to Pizza and Pasta Dinner
(Extra tickets can be purchased at Registration Desk)
Door Prizes
One ticket to Gala Dinner and Entertainment
(Extra tickets can be purchased at Registration Desk)
Fees above are the costs per delegate (must be paid in Canadian funds).
Effective as of September 28th:
Only walk-up registrations being accepted; please see Registrar at registration desk on October 16, with completed registration form and $500 payment in hand (cash or cheque only). Please do not mail your registration and payment as we need to have your payment prior to you attending the conference. If we do not receive the mailed in payment, you will have to provide us with payment at the registration desk (cash or cheque only).
Payment must be attached to the registration form in order to be processed. You will not be fully registered until payment is received.
Please note that we will not invoice under any circumstance – if your organization requires an invoice in order to process the payment, use the completed registration form as your invoice.
The conference makes every effort to provide a healthy, appealing menu for all meal functions. If you have any dietary restrictions, please notify the Registrar upon registering; if you do not advise us ahead of time, we cannot guarantee that the hotel will be able to accommodate your last minute request.
Please ensure you select your session preferences as the sessions are listed on delegates’ name tags. If sessions are full, priority will be given to delegates who signed up for that session – all delegates not signed up for that session will be asked to leave and attend another session.
You will be issued a written confirmation of your paid registration. This confirmation is your receipt.
Delegates must present themselves at the Registration Desk in order to receive their registration packages. Registration packages will be released only to the individual whose name appears on the badge (in the event that the registered delegate is unable to attend, a substitute may be made and a new nametag will be issued by the Registrar at the Registration Desk).
Registered delegates, speakers and sponsors must wear their name tags for access to all conference functions.
BY CREDIT CARD: All credit card payments must be made online through the link above, paying through PayPal (you can sign up as guest if you do not have a PayPal account).
BY CASH: Payments in cash must be made in person.
BY CHEQUE: Make cheque payable in Canadian funds to “Disaster Management Conference”. Mail form and payment to:
Manitoba Disaster Management Conference
PO Box 70044 Kenaston PO
Winnipeg MB R3P 0X6
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the registration process, please contact the Registrar, Amber Barrett, at:
Cancellations must be requested in writing to prior to September 27, 2024, and will each be subject to a $50 administration fee. No refunds will be given after this deadline (no exceptions).
Substitutions may be made at any time without penalty. Please notify the Registrar of the substitution as soon as possible.
Agenda details are subject to change. To download the brochure with agenda details, click here.
Opening Remarks and Announcements
10:45am–Noon, Keynote 1
Dealing with a Community Tragedy; The Dauphin Bus Crash, Keynote
David Bosiak, Mayor, City of Dauphin
The City of Dauphin was dealt a tragic blow on June 15, 2023 when a bus carrying a group of seniors was involved in a deadly crash on the Trans Canada highway. The impacts of the crash were felt immediately throughout the community and across the country. This presentation will highlight the various steps and processes that were put into action during the hours, days and weeks following the event. Hear what happened, what was learned, and how those experiences helped galvanize a community.
Lunch and Exhibitor Visits
1:30–2:30pm: Breakout Sessions B
B1: Navigating New Terrain: Building Local Resilience in a Changing Landscape
Stephanie Woltman and Daniel Phalen, Manitoba EMO
Federal and provincial programming is modernizing to ensure that funding is available for communities to become more resilient. It is recognized that shifting to a more pro-active approach can reduce the impacts and costs associated with the increased frequency and severity of disasters. As Manitoba continues to make a shift from a reactionary post-disaster landscape, we will talk about how federal recovery programs can be utilized by your local authority and discuss opportunities for Manitoba Emergency Management Organization (EMO) to better support local authorities in accessing pre-emptive mitigation funding.
We will discuss barriers and gaps to building resiliency, areas where Manitoba EMO
can better support Federal and provincial programming is for communities to become more resilient. Manitoba EMO is modernizing the Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment (HRVA) system.
B2: Hazardous Materials
Jon Gardiner, CPKC Rail
CPKC Railway offers Railway Safety and Emergency Procedures directed towards First Responders, Emergency Coordinators inclusive of any agency that might be involved with emergent or possible non emergent work on or near the railway lines or property. The focus of this presentation is to provide information on who to call, when to call, what to look out for and how to keep yourself and others safe. This presentation is a starting point to some of the training provide by CPKC.
B3: ICS – Beyond the Emergency Site
Mark Emerik, Team Rubicon
The Incident Command System (ICS) is well known and utilized at the site of emergencies; however it has other uses and applications in other areas of emergency programming. From natural disasters to public health crises, and even everyday municipal operations, ICS offers a standardized framework for effective organization and collaboration.
Imagine seamlessly managing daily municipal operations, navigating emergencies like overland flooding, and operating Emergency Coordination Centers with precision and ease. With ICS, you can foster a common operating picture, optimize resource allocation, and elevate coordination and communication to new heights.
B4: Social Media in Emergencies
Pat Kanuiga, Napier Emergency Consulting
When an emergency happens, social media has been a game changer when it comes to getting information out fast — but sometimes it’s too fast. Technology has revolutionized disaster management and the ability to share information quickly to those in an emergency situation and the professionals tending to them. But it’s a media minefield when the information is unconfirmed — or when information gets out that’s just plain wrong.
Pat Kaniuga, a Manitoba journalist for more than three decades, examines how social media helps and hinders in an emergency, as well as the role of the media when it comes to covering a crisis.
Exhibitor Break
3:00–4:30pm: Keynote 2
High Stress, High Concern Communications
Ben Morgan, Centre for Crisis and Risk Communications
Emergencies are stressful situations. Floods, wildfires, large derailments, evacuations, protests and anything that may impact the people of your community will likely attract local and national media, and possibly international media attention. Benjamin will present core principles and theories of high concern communications and how they apply in a variety of situations. You will also be introduced to some Crisis Communications tools to help enhance the effectiveness of your communications activities.
Casual Dinner (Ticket Provided)
Please note: Adults only, no children allowed
Delegates are encouraged to socialize and share experiences from their communities or workplace.
Announcements and Conference Updates
8:45am–Noon: Workshop Sessions W
(Break from 10:00–10:20am)
W1: Psychological First Aid for Reception Centre Staff
Bonnie Lewin, Napier Emergency Consulting
This Psychological First Aid (PFA) course has been designed by Alberta Health Services to meet the needs of evacuees in a reception centre. PFA is an internationally recognized method that helps people during and after a disaster or emergency. It is a holistic, community wellness approach to help reduce levels of emotional distress through practical care, compassion, and connection.
W2: Breaking the Silence
Serena Lewis
Personal and community resilience are crucial as we integrate the impacts of adverse and disaster related impacts; grief becomes a core process of this work.
This session will explore:
• Best practices in recognizing the importance of grief as a necessary function of integrating personal/ collective traumas.
• Dispel the stages of grief, with language, knowledge, and skills to strengthen our approaches.
• Share practices and tools to create a more grief friendly collective response plan
• Understand our own personal role in trauma and grief stewardship
W3: Tornado Response and Recovery in Manitoba
Jay Shaw, Deputy Chief, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service
In Manitoba, tornadoes are one of the highest impact natural hazards that we could experience. They are incredibly hard to predict and leave very little time to respond to before they occur. Tornadoes bring devastation to anything in their path and leave behind disarray and destruction. Join members of the City of Winnipeg Police Service, Fire Paramedic Service, and the Office of Emergency Management as we work through the pre-planning and execution of a Tornado Response Plan. We will go over enhanced rating systems and increased detection of tornadoes in Canada, as well as the mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery tactics that could be utilized when a tornado touches down. Real world case studies will be explored, and participants will be put through the paces of a tornado event in an urban neighborhood.
W4: Red Cross: Congregate Shelters in Disaster Responses
Gabriel Peters, Louise Hodder, and Michelle Ford, Canadian Red Cross
This exercise will help your organization to strengthen its knowledge about congregate shelters. This workshop will help clarify processes, roles and responsibilities regarding congregate shelter setup, operation and demobilization and build confidence of participants to execute a congregate shelter in a real-life disaster.
Lunch and Exhibitor Visits
1:15–2:30pm: Keynote 3
The Evolution of Wildland Fire Management in Manitoba
Earl Simmons, Executive Director, Manitoba Wildfire Service
The evolution of wildland firefighting and fire management in Manitoba over the past forty years. What has changed and what needs to change. Discussion on changes to strategy, techniques, and pre-suppression to climate change, FireSmart, to engagement with First Nations, Metis communities and municipalities. What lessons have been learned over the years and how does this factor into the future of fire management in Manitoba. Where do we go from here?
Exhibitor Break
3:00pm–4:00pm: Breakout Sessions C
C1: Securing Compensation After a Major Railway Accident Involving Crude Oil: Your Roadmap to Financial Recovery
Chantal Guénette, P.Eng, MBA, Director, Ship and Rail Compensation Canada – Rail Fund
While generally safe, the transportation of dangerous goods like crude oil can pose risks to communities, the environment, and the economy. When disaster strikes, the pressing question on everyone’s mind is: “Who will pay for the damages?” In the aftermath of the 2013 Lac-Mégantic rail disaster, Canada undertook significant improvements to its liability and compensation system. It led to the creation of the Rail Fund, now managed by Ship and Rail Compensation Canada. Designed to provide compensation to anyone affected by major rail accidents involving crude oil, the Rail Fund stands ready to help. Chantal will demystify the claims process for those who have suffered damages, losses, or contributed to response efforts. This is an opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies necessary to secure compensation swiftly and effectively.
C2: Manitoba’s Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) Program Modernization
Erin Robbins, Manitoba EMO
The Government of Canada created the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) program in 1970 to support provinces and territories when the cost of a disaster exceeds what they could reasonably be expected to bear on their own. The current terms and conditions of the DFAA have been in place since 2008, and Canada announced that new terms and conditions would be in place on April 1, 2025. Manitoba Emergency Management Organization (EMO) is using this opportunity to review Manitoba’s DFA program. Goals of the review include facilitating faster payments, building longer-term resilience to disasters, and reducing paperwork requirements. This breakout session will provide an overview on the significant changes being made to the program. Manitoba recognizes that natural disasters are occurring more frequently than in the past with larger costs associated.
C3: A Different Approach to Municipal Business Continuity
Paul Robinson, Napier Emergency Consulting
As a leader have you ever wondered what you would do if your organization was impacted by a disaster? How long would it take you to get back to normal? Could you have prevented it? Are you prepared?
Your local government may be prepared to respond to emergencies impacting others in your community but some have not taken steps within their organizations to assess internal risks, prevent, prepare for and develop the means to prioritize and quickly recover operations in the event of a disaster. A comprehensive business continuity program can help.
This session will provide a high level background of the elements of a comprehensive business continuity program including assessing risk, emergency prevention, emergency preparedness, business resumption and disaster recovery to reduce risk to your operations and provide continued quality services to your community. Paul will provide some practical real world “nuggets” to think about as you consider how to implement this within your community organization.
C4: New Display Standards for Severe Weather Alerts
Natalie Hasell, Environment Canada
The Meteorological Service of Canada is moving to risk-tiered alerting in 2025. This approach will allow us to enhance risk communication to the public and our partners in emergency and disaster management. Come have sneak peak at what the alerts page may look like in the near future and what new display standards we will be using to tell you about upcoming or occurring severe weather!
Cocktails (Cash Bar)
Please note: Adults only, no children allowed
Gala Dinner (business casual) and Door Prizes (ticket provided)
Please note: Adults only, no children allowed
Special Entertainment – Comedian Greg Morton
Please note: Adults only, no children allowed
Announcements and Conference Updates
9:00am–10:15am: Keynote 4
Is your Critical Technology Safe?
Terry Cutler, Cyology Labs Inc
This presentation will help you develop a deeper understanding of how cybercriminals are preying on you, your community and critical technology. You will learn some basics regarding what you can do to prevent cybercriminals from making you their next victim through a simple and easy process to create a powerful protective layer that will take online hijackers centuries to break and to execute a congregate shelter in a real-life disaster.
Exhibitor Break
10:45am–Noon: Keynote 5
Northern Tornado Project: Developing a New Understanding of Tornadoes and Their Impacts in Canada
David Sills, PhD, Northern Tornados Project
The Northern Tornadoes Project, started at Western University in 2017, has the primary goals of investigating tornadoes across Canada and uncovering the country’s true tornado climatology – and risk. Backed by financial support from social impact fund ImpactWX, this ambitious initiative employs crowdsourced reports, satellite imagery, high-resolution aerial photos from aircraft and drones, and thorough ground-based surveys. Events are assessed through a multi-disciplinary lens – from engineering, meteorology and social science perspectives – involving partners from academia, industry and government. All data and analyses are open access and made available online through geographic information system support from Western Libraries. The presentation will describe how the NTP detects and assesses tornado events, and what we’ve learned about tornadoes in Canada and their impacts on Canadians.
Lunch and Exhibitor Visits
1:00pm–2:15pm: Keynote 6
Enhancing Emergency Management Programs by Harnessing Effective Risk Perception Practices
Dr. Patricia Martel, Niagara Region
Human behavior can be challenging at times in emergency management. Some behaviors can result in people ending up in dangerous situations during an emergency. Why do people make the decisions they do during an emergency? While some of the reasons can be attributed to socio-economic factors, others can be attributed to risk perception. Understanding and accounting for risk perception is an integral part of effective emergency management. There are many factors including past experience, media coverage, and knowledge, that influence how people perceive and act during an emergency. Risk perception can influence the choices people make to prepare for and during an emergency, including taking protective actions, such evacuating. At its worst, failure to account for risk perception can led to ignored warnings, people refusing to evacuate, and other dangerous behaviors. By harnessing your experience and the research on risk perception, you can strengthen your emergency management program to encourage safer behavior and a more resilient community.
Conference Closing Remarks
For offline viewing, download brochure here.
10:30 am – 10:45 am
10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Leadership in the Aftermath of a Mass Casualty
Christine Blair, Mayor of the Municipality of the County of Colchester, Nova Scotia
Serena Lewis, a master’s level social worker & consultant, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
On April 18 & 19, 2020, a series of rural Nova Scotia communities were shaken by the events of Canada’s largest intended mass shooting. Families, neighbours and communities lives forever changed by the violent acts of one man. Impersonating the RCMP, including the use of a replica police car, Gabriel Wortman’s rampage left 22 people, and one unborn child dead. Those thirteen hours have left a widespread magnitude of trauma and grief; the pain further exacerbated by the Mass Casualty Commission, seeking answers and history that are complex. Christine Blair, Mayor of the Municipality of the County of Colchester, and Serena Lewis, MSW social worker-employed at the time as the Grief and Bereavement Lead for the widespread region, and now as a consultant who lives in Colchester County. These leaders will share their stories about the event, the impact on the community and the lingering aftermath.
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Breakout Sessions B
B1: Everything You Need to Know about an Emergency Operation Centre (EOC)
Patricia Martel, PhD, CEM, ABCP, Emergency Management Program Specialist, Niagara Region, Ontario
EOCs are the place where decisions are made during an emergency; this room works with the emergency site and with the elected official. This session will discuss everything you need to know to understand and work in an EOC in an emergency event.
B2: Federal Resource Options for Disaster Response – Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Planning Considerations
Major Nate Malazdrewicz, Department of National Defence
Nicholas Verleun, Department of National Defence
This presentation will bring an individual from zero knowledge of the military to a point where they can have a basic understanding of when the military could be appropriate for use in Canada, what the limitations are and when it’s not appropriate.
You will become more familiar with the role, structure and standard operating procedures of the CAF. Specifically with a view to enable decision making at the provincial and municipal level on engagement before, during and after a situation where the CAF is required to support local government.
Examples of recent domestic operations will be used to guide discussion and highlight lessons learned, such as Covid, and wildfires in 2021 and 2022.
B3: Extreme Risk: Our Growing Exposure to Climate Change
Danny Blair, University of Winnipeg (Prairie Climate Centre)
People across the world are becoming increasingly aware that climate change is a reality that cannot be ignored and that it is increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather. These events have resulted in many fatalities, massive damage to infrastructure, enormous economic and social disruption, and high levels of anxiety.
Even though many of us now understand that we need to reduce our climate-changing emissions, there is much more climate change ahead of us. Therefore, collectively, and individually, in Manitoba and beyond, we need to take a good hard look at our exposure to climate-related disasters and prepare for what should be considered inevitable. Easy to say; hard to do. Let’s talk about that.
B4: Media and Emergencies – Media Needs and How to Prepare Your Community
Jill Machyshon, Winnipeg Bureau Chief for CTV National News
Paul Samyn, Editor of Winnipeg Free Press
Floods, wildfires, large derailments, evacuations, protests and anything that may impact your community will likely attract local and national media, and possibly international media attention. Media coverage is inevitable and can help communities communicate urgency and needs to citizens and general audiences.
Community leadership needs to be prepared for emergencies and disasters, taking the all-hazards approach. They should also have a media plan or level of awareness to facilitate questions. Generally, the larger the catastrophe the greater the media interest will be.
CTV National News Bureau Chief Jill Macyshon and Paul Samyn of the Winnipeg Free Press will present the media perspective in an emergency.
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Cyber Threats and Your Community – the National Cyber Threat Assessment 2023-2024
Greg Simmonds, Director Incident Management and Operational Coordination
This presentation will provide an overview of current and evolving cyber threats faced by Canadians and focuses on the five cyber threats that are the most dynamic, impactful, which will continue to drive cyber threat activity over the next two years. The presentation will also include an overview of the current Cyber Threat Landscape, and misinformation and how it affects Canadians. The presentation will highlight some Cyber security advices to mitigate some of these threats and how the Federal Government works together to respond to Cyber incidents.
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Casual Dinner* (ticket provided)
Delegates are encouraged to socialize and share experiences from their communities or workplace.
*(please note adults only; no children allowed)
8:30 am – 8:45 Am
Announcements & Conference Updates
8:45 am – 12:00 pm
Workshop Sessions W (with Break from 10:00 am – 10:20 am)
W1: Manitoba’s Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) & the Mitigation and Preparedness Program (MPP)
Robert Belton, Recovery & Mitigation Specialist, Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization
Stephanie Woltman, A/Manager of Mitigation, Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization
Disasters are a growing threat to the safety and economic viability of Manitoba communities as events become more common and increase in intensity, including this past year, which marked the second wettest spring in recorded history in Manitoba and the wettest spring in a century. This presentation will explore how Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization’s (EMO) DFA program supports communities with recovering from an event. The presentation will also provide an update on the federal Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) review and the connections between DFA and the evolving insurance landscape. Manitoba EMO will also present on the MPP, which is an innovative initiative, offered to municipalities to build local resiliency against natural disasters, extreme weather events and the impacts of climate change.
W2: Leadership in an Emergency Event – Know Your Role Before it Happens
Cheryl Christian, former Mayor of Rural Municipality of West St. Paul
Shelley Napier, Napier Emergency Consulting
As elected officials, it is critical that you understand your role during an emergency. The direction and tone for the emergency response will be set by leadership and government of each municipality and First Nation. What is expected of you? How do you work with the Emergency Coordinator and the Incident Commander and their teams? What is expected of the Chief Administrative Officer, and how do you all work together to help coordinate the response effort during the emergency event?
W3: The Relief within Grief: Why Grief Centred, Trauma Sensitive Approaches are Critical in the Aftermath of Disasters
Serena Lewis, a master’s level social worker & consultant, Colchester County, Nova Scotia
In one sentence, ‘Grief and Resilience live together,’ written by Michelle Obama, we recognize a need for progressive change. Grief is at the centre of all disaster management; be it homes, community identity, jobs, structures, as well as lives. We recognize that within disaster management, our leadership roles are always relational. Yet for many, we are uncomfortable in our grief literacy and trauma sensitivity. When death, and other losses, are sudden and unexpected, support systems are thrust into a grief trajectory in an abrupt way. The swallowed cries of mourners become deafening- as we consider bereaved families, workplaces, communities – and front-line workers who can be impacted by cumulative loss and moral distress. Imposing language of resiliency oftentimes further silences mourners, and front line workers. While seeking the growth and positive glimmers, we diminish and avoid the deep levels of pain.
This workshop will:
• Support a deeper understanding of grief and trauma being core to leadership
• Expand upon grief literacy, trauma sensitivity- strengthening our responses to others
• Explore a macro-meso and micro level approach to integrating grief into all aspects of our disaster management approach
• Recognize that grief and trauma informed practices are pro-active mental health actions
• Summarize the importance of self-compassion in this process.
W4: Key Elements You Need to Set Up a Reception Centre
Gabriel Peters, Provincial Manager of Emergency Management in Manitoba and Nunavut for the Canadian Red Cross
Michelle Ford, Senior Advisor of operational readiness and planning for Manitoba and Nunavut with the Canadian Red Cross
Ellie Cansfield, Canadian Red Cross volunteer Support to Evacuation and Repatriation Team
Emergencies often require evacuations. This presentation will share Canadian Red Cross expertise on the foundations, considerations, and requirements for operating reception centres. This includes sections on selection, set-up, layouts, material requirements, human requirements, tasks, communications, and functional areas such as registration and supply management desks. This presentation will provide context for the tabletop exercise.
This scenario-based table-top discussion will help you develop common understanding, apply knowledge and skills, validate plans and procedures, and clarify roles and responsibilities. Learn from a structured series of questions to guide the discussion and group analysis. This will include a breakout session. Group discussions will focus on a specific hazards or incident scenarios to explore dilemmas within the larger context of reception centres.
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Lunch & Exhibitor Visits
1:15 pm – 2:30 pm
Turning Anguish into Advocacy – A Father’s Journey to Make Schools Safer After the Parkland School Shooting
Max Schachter, Founder & Executive Director of the Safe Schools for Alex
The focus of the content will include: what happened, vulnerabilities uncovered, what we learned, and key ways to prevent.
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Exhibitor Break
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Breakout Sessions C
C1: Understanding Local, Provincial and Federal Emergencies
Jack Lindsay, Chair of Applied Disaster & Emergency Studies, Brandon University
In Canada, the legal power for elected governments, at all three jurisdictional levels, to take extraordinary action during a crisis is provided by both provincial and federal legislation. The past few years have seen various state of emergency declarations at the local, provincial, and, for the first time ever, national level. This session will explore the relationship between the levels of government during a declared emergency, explain their differences and why those variations exist, then speculate on how Manitoba’s Emergency Measures Act and related regulations could evolve in the future.
C2: Building Climate Change Resilience into Your Emergency Program
Patricia Martel, PhD, CEM, ABCP, Emergency Management Program Specialist, Niagara Region, Ontario
Climate change is changing the way we look at our emergency plans and programs. In order to be able to handle the changes in our weather patterns and the chaos they bring to our community, we need to ensure our plans and programs are reflective of these changing times.
C3: As the Province of Manitoba Emerges from the Pandemic
Monika Warren, Chief Operating Officer for Provincial Health Services, Chief Nursing Officer, Shared Health
Lee Heinrichs, Interim Provincial Lead, Health system integration and clinical planning, Shared Health
Emergency situations such as the pandemic really pushed our health system, leadership and staff beyond what any of us thought possible. Monika will share the Manitoba experience as the provincial Operations Chief in addressing COVID response and what we learned about being a more provincially integrated system. These experiences have forever changed how we think and plan for future healthcare services such as care closer to home. Lee Heinrichs will share how our learnings from the pandemic influence the planning for Manitoba’s future Clinical and Preventative services.
C4: Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT): Preparedness, Response, and Recovery all in One
Grant Durfey, Emergency Management Program Specialist, Niagara Region
Mitigation, Preparedness, and Response are essential concepts for communities of all sizes. These can present daunting challenges to Emergency Management programs, often dealing with very limited resources. One of the most effective ways to address all of these concepts is through CERT: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery all in One.
Grant Durfey, an Emergency Management Program Specialist for the Niagara Region, will explain the CERT system of organizing and deploying a trained volunteer pool in the event of a disaster while simultaneously improving overall Community Resiliency.
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
GALA Dinner (business casual) and Door Prizes (ticket provided)
*(please note adults only; no children allowed)
8:15 pm
Special Entertainment*– Comedian Derek Edwards
8:45 am – 9:00 am
Announcements & Conference Updates
9:00 am – 10:15 am
Insurrection – Yes, it Happened in Manitoba
Inspector Gord Spado, Special Events Commander, Winnipeg Police Services
2022 started with the sound of horns and protests over pandemic provisions put in place by federal and provincial governments. February saw demonstrators block the Emerson border crossing, an integral transportation hub for billions of dollars in trade annually between Manitoba and the U.S. At the same time, noisy protestors occupied a section of Winnipeg around the Manitoba’s legislative building. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau enacted the federal Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history, giving the federal government more powers to handle the protests.
Inspector Gord Spado will discuss actions, reactions and peaceful resolutions around the pandemic protests.
10:15 am – 10:45 am
Exhibitor Break
10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Is the Incident Command System (ICS) Failing Emergency Managers and Our Profession?
Jay Shaw, Assistant Chief of Emergency Management and Public Information with the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service
From small local crisis events to catastrophic disasters with enormous devastation, the ICS system has been the go to staple as a management tool to help emergency management professionals weather the storm. With incident complexity growing at an alarming pace, are we seeing cracks in the foundation of this system? From Hurricane Katrina to deadly heat waves, large wild land fires and a global pandemic, our history of disasters have shown a decrease in our command systems capability to manage by objective. With all disasters starting and ending with a local focus, does this system meet the needs for our smaller local incidents that still require a system to coordinate and collaborate an effective response? This session will look at the history and recent challenges of both small and large disasters. We will explore new methods of leading through chaos, enhancing our ability to reduce cognitive biases in our operations, chop holes in our communication silos and lead effective responses that meet the mission stated goals.
12:00 – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Emergency Management in Manitoba – A Year and a Half in Review
Johanu Botha, PhD, Assistant Deputy Minister, Manitoba Emergency Management Division
This session delivers a retrospective of recent emergencies and the changes to the emergency management landscape both in Manitoba and across Canada.
2:15 pm – 2:45 pm
Conference Wrap-Up & Evaluation
Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park
1405 St. Matthews
Winnipeg, MB
Hotel Direct Phone: 204-775-8791
Central Reservations Phone: 1-888-332-2623
A block of standard guestrooms (single or double occupancy) have been set aside at a special rate of $134 (plus applicable taxes) for the Disaster Management Conference 2024. To obtain this special rate, you must provide them with the group rate #203318 at the time of booking.
Please note the room block will be held until September 13, 2024; the Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park will still accept reservations after September 13, 2024 at the special rate, but it will be subject to guest room availability at the time of booking.
Reserve your rooms early as the hotel has fully booked in past conferences! In the event that Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park gets fully booked, the onus will be on you to find an alternate hotel.
If you’re visiting, we would like to welcome you to Winnipeg and encourage you to take the time to enjoy all our city has to offer. For places to eat, visit and shop, check out Tourism Winnipeg.
You will find free and ample parking at Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park.